Ok. Can a person such as another blogger aid and help a criminal by posting a link to a known criminal's blog lawfully, knowing that criminal is using stolen and copyrighted material?
Of course. But is that aiding and abetting a thief in a criminal act? And that answer is yes. Can a person that helps a criminal commit a crime that causes harm and injury to the owner of copyrighted material, be held liable as a third party defendant in a civil case. And that is yes also.
For example, assume the criminal that steals my stuff and posts that on a web site called Life in Southern Johnson County http://sojoco.blogspot.com/and another blogger at http://jocosob.blogspot.com/ allows and creates a link to that site, the one that links to the thief, might just be aiding and abetting a criminal in a violation of law and can be held seperately, or equally liable in a court of law for any relief/remedy awarded by a judge.
So be careful out there, fellow bloggers. Do not link to those bloggers that steal others copyrighted material. Unless you like to take the risk of going to a court of law and explaining why to some judge.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Selective Enforcement of the Law
Ok. So many of us know that some blogger likes stealing my copyrighted material. Some of us also know the blogger took that property without my permssion because he admitted doing so in writing on his blog.
Further, he steals copyrighted material all the time. He posts on his blog what he steals. For example, he recently was posting photos he stole from Sports Illustrated. Clearly, this person is a crook and has no respect for intellectual property of others.
Now the city of Merriam Police Department likes to engage in political and selective enforcement of the law. Allegedly, their motto is serve and protect; just like it is for municipal law enforcement all over America.
But in Merriam, Kansas, it more like "protect and serve some of the people some of the time" depending how the Chief of Police feels on any given day. Frequently, when I was a national credit card fraud investigator, I worked with law enforcement officials including municipal police departments, the Secret Service and the FBI.
In regard to municipal police departments, selective enforcement is a subtle form of both discrimination and abuse of power. When a municipal police department, even one like mine, Merriam refused to do their public duty, there is word in Black's Law Dictionary called nonfeasance. Defined as the intentional, knowing and wilful failure to perform a public duty.
There is also misfeasance. Which is almost as bad as selective enforcement of the law. Now, if a public official refuses to not perform a public duty, is there anything you or I can do about it?
You betcha.
Further, he steals copyrighted material all the time. He posts on his blog what he steals. For example, he recently was posting photos he stole from Sports Illustrated. Clearly, this person is a crook and has no respect for intellectual property of others.
Now the city of Merriam Police Department likes to engage in political and selective enforcement of the law. Allegedly, their motto is serve and protect; just like it is for municipal law enforcement all over America.
But in Merriam, Kansas, it more like "protect and serve some of the people some of the time" depending how the Chief of Police feels on any given day. Frequently, when I was a national credit card fraud investigator, I worked with law enforcement officials including municipal police departments, the Secret Service and the FBI.
In regard to municipal police departments, selective enforcement is a subtle form of both discrimination and abuse of power. When a municipal police department, even one like mine, Merriam refused to do their public duty, there is word in Black's Law Dictionary called nonfeasance. Defined as the intentional, knowing and wilful failure to perform a public duty.
There is also misfeasance. Which is almost as bad as selective enforcement of the law. Now, if a public official refuses to not perform a public duty, is there anything you or I can do about it?
You betcha.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Another round of economic stimulus to create more jobs? Give me a break.
Did I hear right on the news tonight? Did Obama state he has having problems keeping most of his promises. Including creating or saving jobs. So, he wants to dig a deeper hole. To which I refer my readers to my prior post about digging out the clothes line pole in my backyard.
If you keep digging a bigger pile of debt, you might be wiser to pull the clothes line pole out, instead of merely digging some more clear to China hoping to get that pole out of the ground.
I hope someone does one of those lists since Obama was elected over a year ago. Our troops are going to be out of Iraq this year, 4 million or so jobs will be saved or created, but no date on when this is going to happen.
Initially, we were going to rebuild our infrastructure to create and save jobs; until all the whiny GOV's of the several states met with Obama at the National GOV meetingm shortly after he became President. I wrote this was merely appeasing all the whiny GOV of the several states.
And almost all of these whiny GOV(s) took all your federal tax dollars. Not to mention the federal government tried to "fix" what the bankers and money changers did to our nation--making risky investments to maximize profits resulting in a depression that started April 29 of this year based on another decline on revised GDP.
Instead of building our national infrastructure, as I predicted back in February, these kinds of socialist progressive economic policies by interference in a a free market econony, is exactly the kind of federal dealings that keep trying, but failing as expected to artifically stimulate the economy.
Moreover,by giving huge amounts of money to these state governments was one of the hugest economic blunder of his administration. Bailing out the fiscally irresponsible banks, insurance companys and brokerage houses (that got into this depression); was enough to make the American public (mainly hard working, fiscally conservative middle class America), mad enoubh to go to Tea Parties all over the nation; as well as over million people go to protest on the National Mall in Septemeber.
Then, we have to remember no tax increases promises. That went out the door with SCHIP legislation within his first 30 days in office. Now we all know GITMO is going to be closing before Jan. 1, because told us that last year. Then, the President and dem leaders tried to con us into why we needed CAP and CRAP. aka, Cap and Trade. Then, mandating all of us to be forced to get health insurance. And if we did not, big penalty like nine grand until you voluntarily did.
I could go and on and on. Just like our national debt. Clear to China. What you could do is refer to plan related to building a heavy rail, high speed transport system by rivate corporations using their money instead of your federal tax dollars.
Someone better have some vision for America that will bring about economic growth, build an economic infrastructure without federal tax dollars. I suggest we unite as a nation regardless of any classification, to build an energy-efficient form of transportion all across America.
That building of a national infrastructure would unite our nation. Remember, Dwight United. I like Ike. His plan worked when he was President and it will work now with my substantial efforts in the 21st Century.
Transportation is the key to an economic recovery. Digging bigger holes of debt by the federal government is the worst thing we could support here in America. Who has solutions and vision, unlike any other Kansas Congressional candidate, we are pretty certain we know who.
A person that likes Ike. Thomas "Dwight Unite" Scherer, your best candidate for United States Congress, the dude no one has ever heard of.
Finally, I had intended tonight to give you an update of how I am going to put dollars in your pocket instead of Obama wanting to give you change. I will do that later. I am pretty tired and yesterday and today was a really long, exhausting day doing stuff for you, citizens of Kansas.
Wonder what the other congressional candidates, and that dude named Jordan that threatens all of us he may file, what did all these yahoos do for you lately? Ask them.
They won't tell you. They just want your money because they are politicans. Whereas Scherer is a statesman earning your vote by putting dollars into your pocket; while multi-tasking like the energizer bunny on a plan for the 21st Century that will work.
If you keep digging a bigger pile of debt, you might be wiser to pull the clothes line pole out, instead of merely digging some more clear to China hoping to get that pole out of the ground.
I hope someone does one of those lists since Obama was elected over a year ago. Our troops are going to be out of Iraq this year, 4 million or so jobs will be saved or created, but no date on when this is going to happen.
Initially, we were going to rebuild our infrastructure to create and save jobs; until all the whiny GOV's of the several states met with Obama at the National GOV meetingm shortly after he became President. I wrote this was merely appeasing all the whiny GOV of the several states.
And almost all of these whiny GOV(s) took all your federal tax dollars. Not to mention the federal government tried to "fix" what the bankers and money changers did to our nation--making risky investments to maximize profits resulting in a depression that started April 29 of this year based on another decline on revised GDP.
Instead of building our national infrastructure, as I predicted back in February, these kinds of socialist progressive economic policies by interference in a a free market econony, is exactly the kind of federal dealings that keep trying, but failing as expected to artifically stimulate the economy.
Moreover,by giving huge amounts of money to these state governments was one of the hugest economic blunder of his administration. Bailing out the fiscally irresponsible banks, insurance companys and brokerage houses (that got into this depression); was enough to make the American public (mainly hard working, fiscally conservative middle class America), mad enoubh to go to Tea Parties all over the nation; as well as over million people go to protest on the National Mall in Septemeber.
Then, we have to remember no tax increases promises. That went out the door with SCHIP legislation within his first 30 days in office. Now we all know GITMO is going to be closing before Jan. 1, because told us that last year. Then, the President and dem leaders tried to con us into why we needed CAP and CRAP. aka, Cap and Trade. Then, mandating all of us to be forced to get health insurance. And if we did not, big penalty like nine grand until you voluntarily did.
I could go and on and on. Just like our national debt. Clear to China. What you could do is refer to plan related to building a heavy rail, high speed transport system by rivate corporations using their money instead of your federal tax dollars.
Someone better have some vision for America that will bring about economic growth, build an economic infrastructure without federal tax dollars. I suggest we unite as a nation regardless of any classification, to build an energy-efficient form of transportion all across America.
That building of a national infrastructure would unite our nation. Remember, Dwight United. I like Ike. His plan worked when he was President and it will work now with my substantial efforts in the 21st Century.
Transportation is the key to an economic recovery. Digging bigger holes of debt by the federal government is the worst thing we could support here in America. Who has solutions and vision, unlike any other Kansas Congressional candidate, we are pretty certain we know who.
A person that likes Ike. Thomas "Dwight Unite" Scherer, your best candidate for United States Congress, the dude no one has ever heard of.
Finally, I had intended tonight to give you an update of how I am going to put dollars in your pocket instead of Obama wanting to give you change. I will do that later. I am pretty tired and yesterday and today was a really long, exhausting day doing stuff for you, citizens of Kansas.
Wonder what the other congressional candidates, and that dude named Jordan that threatens all of us he may file, what did all these yahoos do for you lately? Ask them.
They won't tell you. They just want your money because they are politicans. Whereas Scherer is a statesman earning your vote by putting dollars into your pocket; while multi-tasking like the energizer bunny on a plan for the 21st Century that will work.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Why Elizabeth Boldt, Merriam Prosecutor should call this dude.
Elizabeth Boldt is the Merriam prosecutor. She wants to talk to the dumb blogger who stole my copyrighted material.
Elizabeth, give me a call. I have been waiting.
Elizabeth, give me a call. I have been waiting.
Why a fellow blogger should not steal from my copyrighted blog account.
There are some good blog authors out here. Then, there is the guy in Leawood Kansas that likes to steal my copyrighted material. Which is bad enough since that violates federal laws regarding the same. For example, refer to Title 18 of the United States Code.
Now this crook likes to blog about how smashed he gets all the time. We know a lot about him already. We know when he works, where he works at and when he blogs.
He writes a lot about wine. He probably steals what he writes and the wine he writes about also. And clearly is one lonely person. Here is his email. But be warned. If he finds your blog, he might steal some of it from you.
Joco Everyman. Just send him an email. Like I did. Telling him about this new blog dedicated to all criminals just like him.
If you know any other crooks like this dude, send him an email. So he can steal from them also.
Now this crook likes to blog about how smashed he gets all the time. We know a lot about him already. We know when he works, where he works at and when he blogs.
He writes a lot about wine. He probably steals what he writes and the wine he writes about also. And clearly is one lonely person. Here is his email. But be warned. If he finds your blog, he might steal some of it from you.
Joco Everyman. Just send him an email. Like I did. Telling him about this new blog dedicated to all criminals just like him.
If you know any other crooks like this dude, send him an email. So he can steal from them also.
Why a fellow blogger should steal from my copyrighted blog account.
Want to see a blogger who likes stealing your copyrighted material. OK.
Go to http://sojoco.blogspot.com/
Here is all his source code. Notice his unique blogger id. The local police department did.
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Go to http://sojoco.blogspot.com/
Here is all his source code. Notice his unique blogger id. The local police department did.
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Life in SOJOCO
My musings about life in Johnson County Kansas.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tigers to the Big Ten?

It is usually one little tiny thing that gets my interest and makes me think. It usually isn’t the big headline. Today was just like that. I am drinking my coffee and reading the paper trying to understand the Big 12 Bowl scenario for this year when the sentence that will pass by most sticks in my head.
The chatter has been that Missouri would get snubbed by the Insight Bowl and go to a lesser bowl in favor of Iowa State who has a reputation of traveling well. In fact, they did. Mizzou to the Texas Bowl in Houston and Iowa State gets the Insight Bowl.
I get all that. I get that, yes, they have been snubbed for the past few years and the one that really hurt was when rival and my alma mater, Kansas got the BCS Orange Bowl even though Missouri beat them. I would be pissed off too except that for the many reasons the Texas Bowl is better for them, ie National TV versus the NFL network, in the middle of their recruiting sweet spot, and a place where their fans can drive to see the game. I get it. It hurts to not be wanted, again.
I was reading with some interest as Mizzou officials were selecting their words carefully to not insult their hosts at the Texas Bowl as they expressed their displeasure with the selection process and that the Big 12 allows the Bowls to pick whomever they wish. Truly, their rancor is as much with the Big 12 as with any Bowl that overlooked them.
There was one little line that got my attention. It always cracks me up. It comes up from time to time and frankly I think it is quite laughable. The suggestion is usually officially subtle and less subtle from fans of Mizzou. They threaten or suggest that they might leave and go the Big Ten.
They like to put forward notions they really don’t understand.
1. The Big Ten is the better conference.
2. They really fit in better with the Big Ten academically.
3. The Big Ten wants them.
They think it is sorta like they are stuck at the kid’s table and the Big Ten is the adults table. I think it is more like they are wanting to take their Barbie dolls and go home.
The oft repeated notion which at first I thought was a quote from a Missouri official but really was just a baiting question from KC Star writer Mike DeArmond to John Junker regarding Missouri’s prospects of a future bid to the Insight Bowl, “…..Perhaps as a member of the Big Ten, or some conference that does not have a record of letting Missouri fall in bowl bidding?”
It makes me laugh because people in the know will say the truth is that lots of schools fit academically. Missouri thinks they are saying that Missouri is a better academic school than many of their partners in the Big 12 which really isn’t the case. In other words, they are superior academically to the rest of the Big 12. What they are saying Jr. Missouri Einsteins is that they fit as well as lots of other Midwestern State Schools. It has also been written that Nebraska, Iowa State and even Texas fit academically with the Big Ten. I’m not sure we think of any of those schools, or Kansas for that matter, as defacto members of the Ivy League. In fact, it is often speculated that it was the Big Ten’s talk of wanting to add Kansas AND Missouri that created energy toward the formation of the Big 12 in 1993.
I’m not going to debate which conference is better. They are both really good conferences with good rivalries and a great history of athletics and a probably slightly better than average academics. Of course I'm partial to the Big 12. Actually I liked the old Big 8 best.
Does the Big Ten want them? Well, the Big Ten, or is it 11….or is it 12 if you count the University of Chicago does want and need to add a 12th school that competes in major athletics. In short they want to be like the Big 12. It is about money and reach. They want to capture a larger television audience so they can get more money. Really, that is the beginning and ending of who fits. Missouri brings them St. Louis and some Kansas City viewers. Nebraska brings them a smaller but more loyal viewer but really isn’t a likely match. There isn’ t much competition for the Nebraska viewer so you get most of them. If Iowa State offered anything in television numbers I think they would already be in. Then you get schools like Rutgers and Louisville that have been on the rise and have a lot to offer as well. Would the Big Ten like a piece of the New York, New Jersey television markets? I’d like to think they might. So why the talk about Missouri? They, among several, fit financially, geographically and they are probably willing but ironically…..again are second choice already.
This all leads me to the one we all know makes the most sense to join. Notre Dame. Only the Irish are too proud to see it. Sure, right now they have broadcast revenues that they don’t have to share that are huge but we’ve all seen where the Irish football program has been heading the past few years and they have just fired another coach. Basketball hasn’t been much for sometime either. Notre Dame will always have a silly loyal following from countless numbers of people who couldn’t even dream of going to school there but live and die by it like they did. However, nobody wants to see a loser and these idiots don’t just expect to win they expect National Championships. I think it isn’t a stretch to say unless they modify their admissions for the student athlete their best days are behind them and someday, probably soon, they will wish the Big Ten would consider them.
While I’m at it……conferences are too big anyway. We shouldn’t be expanding them. Eight is a great number for football. They should all have to play each other every year. Simple.
By the way, we will end this football season with two undefeated teams and an outside chance at three if Cincinnati can beat Florida and no playoff to know who really is best. Incredibly sad.

It is usually one little tiny thing that gets my interest and makes me think. It usually isn’t the big headline. Today was just like that. I am drinking my coffee and reading the paper trying to understand the Big 12 Bowl scenario for this year when the sentence that will pass by most sticks in my head.
The chatter has been that Missouri would get snubbed by the Insight Bowl and go to a lesser bowl in favor of Iowa State who has a reputation of traveling well. In fact, they did. Mizzou to the Texas Bowl in Houston and Iowa State gets the Insight Bowl.
I get all that. I get that, yes, they have been snubbed for the past few years and the one that really hurt was when rival and my alma mater, Kansas got the BCS Orange Bowl even though Missouri beat them. I would be pissed off too except that for the many reasons the Texas Bowl is better for them, ie National TV versus the NFL network, in the middle of their recruiting sweet spot, and a place where their fans can drive to see the game. I get it. It hurts to not be wanted, again.
I was reading with some interest as Mizzou officials were selecting their words carefully to not insult their hosts at the Texas Bowl as they expressed their displeasure with the selection process and that the Big 12 allows the Bowls to pick whomever they wish. Truly, their rancor is as much with the Big 12 as with any Bowl that overlooked them.
There was one little line that got my attention. It always cracks me up. It comes up from time to time and frankly I think it is quite laughable. The suggestion is usually officially subtle and less subtle from fans of Mizzou. They threaten or suggest that they might leave and go the Big Ten.
They like to put forward notions they really don’t understand.
1. The Big Ten is the better conference.
2. They really fit in better with the Big Ten academically.
3. The Big Ten wants them.
They think it is sorta like they are stuck at the kid’s table and the Big Ten is the adults table. I think it is more like they are wanting to take their Barbie dolls and go home.
The oft repeated notion which at first I thought was a quote from a Missouri official but really was just a baiting question from KC Star writer Mike DeArmond to John Junker regarding Missouri’s prospects of a future bid to the Insight Bowl, “…..Perhaps as a member of the Big Ten, or some conference that does not have a record of letting Missouri fall in bowl bidding?”
It makes me laugh because people in the know will say the truth is that lots of schools fit academically. Missouri thinks they are saying that Missouri is a better academic school than many of their partners in the Big 12 which really isn’t the case. In other words, they are superior academically to the rest of the Big 12. What they are saying Jr. Missouri Einsteins is that they fit as well as lots of other Midwestern State Schools. It has also been written that Nebraska, Iowa State and even Texas fit academically with the Big Ten. I’m not sure we think of any of those schools, or Kansas for that matter, as defacto members of the Ivy League. In fact, it is often speculated that it was the Big Ten’s talk of wanting to add Kansas AND Missouri that created energy toward the formation of the Big 12 in 1993.
I’m not going to debate which conference is better. They are both really good conferences with good rivalries and a great history of athletics and a probably slightly better than average academics. Of course I'm partial to the Big 12. Actually I liked the old Big 8 best.
Does the Big Ten want them? Well, the Big Ten, or is it 11….or is it 12 if you count the University of Chicago does want and need to add a 12th school that competes in major athletics. In short they want to be like the Big 12. It is about money and reach. They want to capture a larger television audience so they can get more money. Really, that is the beginning and ending of who fits. Missouri brings them St. Louis and some Kansas City viewers. Nebraska brings them a smaller but more loyal viewer but really isn’t a likely match. There isn’ t much competition for the Nebraska viewer so you get most of them. If Iowa State offered anything in television numbers I think they would already be in. Then you get schools like Rutgers and Louisville that have been on the rise and have a lot to offer as well. Would the Big Ten like a piece of the New York, New Jersey television markets? I’d like to think they might. So why the talk about Missouri? They, among several, fit financially, geographically and they are probably willing but ironically…..again are second choice already.
This all leads me to the one we all know makes the most sense to join. Notre Dame. Only the Irish are too proud to see it. Sure, right now they have broadcast revenues that they don’t have to share that are huge but we’ve all seen where the Irish football program has been heading the past few years and they have just fired another coach. Basketball hasn’t been much for sometime either. Notre Dame will always have a silly loyal following from countless numbers of people who couldn’t even dream of going to school there but live and die by it like they did. However, nobody wants to see a loser and these idiots don’t just expect to win they expect National Championships. I think it isn’t a stretch to say unless they modify their admissions for the student athlete their best days are behind them and someday, probably soon, they will wish the Big Ten would consider them.
While I’m at it……conferences are too big anyway. We shouldn’t be expanding them. Eight is a great number for football. They should all have to play each other every year. Simple.
By the way, we will end this football season with two undefeated teams and an outside chance at three if Cincinnati can beat Florida and no playoff to know who really is best. Incredibly sad.
Friday, December 4, 2009
A BIG thank you

Over Thanksgiving I was telling someone very close to me that I really had no idea how many people read the blog. I have to admit that while I joke that I don't think anybody reads I was indeed a little curious if anybody read. I seriously thought maybe a few dozen people checked it on a frequent basis.
She suggested I put a hit counter on this site which at first I really didn't want to do but I thought you know I could put it up for a little while just to see and always take it down.
You can start them at any number you want so I could have started it at let's say 15,235 or something like that but I started it at a number I could remember......101.
It hit over 1200 today which means I've had over 1000 visits just since Thanksgiving. I am a little amazed but mostly I just want to tell people thanks for reading. Really, it is humbling that people think that anything I write is interesting.....or maybe they come to see the trainwreck. I started this blog really simply because I like to write and I thought if I had a blog it would force me to write on a regular basis and hopefully I'd get better at it.
Also, I've received a few emails and comments on the Dennis Moore countdown timer. I just thought I'd share that there is loads of free html code out there like that one if you ever want anything like that. Just google what you want and put html in the search line.......like "countdown timer html free". I found a few but settled on that one.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Over Thanksgiving I was telling someone very close to me that I really had no idea how many people read the blog. I have to admit that while I joke that I don't think anybody reads I was indeed a little curious if anybody read. I seriously thought maybe a few dozen people checked it on a frequent basis.
She suggested I put a hit counter on this site which at first I really didn't want to do but I thought you know I could put it up for a little while just to see and always take it down.
You can start them at any number you want so I could have started it at let's say 15,235 or something like that but I started it at a number I could remember......101.
It hit over 1200 today which means I've had over 1000 visits just since Thanksgiving. I am a little amazed but mostly I just want to tell people thanks for reading. Really, it is humbling that people think that anything I write is interesting.....or maybe they come to see the trainwreck. I started this blog really simply because I like to write and I thought if I had a blog it would force me to write on a regular basis and hopefully I'd get better at it.
Also, I've received a few emails and comments on the Dennis Moore countdown timer. I just thought I'd share that there is loads of free html code out there like that one if you ever want anything like that. Just google what you want and put html in the search line.......like "countdown timer html free". I found a few but settled on that one.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Do you enjoy Michelle Malkin?

I really haven't been reading her blog a ton though I certainly should. It is really good. I was checking it out and it is a really good post about debunking a health-scare story in the New York Times by Nick Kristof. It is really good writing. She is a nationally known conservative blogger who I'm sure has lots of enemies because of her work. She isn't tough to look at either. She is also incredibly smart. Impressive.
I thought it was impressive if you look at her post that she uses Kristof's own words to hold him accountable in her story and she pasted the actual front from of Mr. Kristof's blog right into her own blog as a part of her critique.
You should read yesterday's work by Michelle. It is really good. I'm gonna start reading her on a regular basis. By the way......while I knew she was out because I've seen her on Fox I clicked on her blog because it was on Sinic's blogroll......even though I'm not listed on hers :-) so I wanted to give credit to Sinic.
I'm really slammed tonight. Drinking a little vino (some bottle I spent at least $50 on, probably more) now but I'll have to admit I didn't really drink this week other than that. So, no best and worst this week. You are on your own.
And just a little housekeeping: I do moderate the comments on the blog but I have made it practice to rarely reject them. If I think you are just the same person putting up a bunch of anonymous comments especially to make it look like you have lots of support on an issue I can kinda figure that out....not always.......but I probably won't post them if I don't think it adds to the blog. I've clearly demonstrated I'm pretty cool about putting up comments where people don't agree with me.

I really haven't been reading her blog a ton though I certainly should. It is really good. I was checking it out and it is a really good post about debunking a health-scare story in the New York Times by Nick Kristof. It is really good writing. She is a nationally known conservative blogger who I'm sure has lots of enemies because of her work. She isn't tough to look at either. She is also incredibly smart. Impressive.
I thought it was impressive if you look at her post that she uses Kristof's own words to hold him accountable in her story and she pasted the actual front from of Mr. Kristof's blog right into her own blog as a part of her critique.
You should read yesterday's work by Michelle. It is really good. I'm gonna start reading her on a regular basis. By the way......while I knew she was out because I've seen her on Fox I clicked on her blog because it was on Sinic's blogroll......even though I'm not listed on hers :-) so I wanted to give credit to Sinic.
I'm really slammed tonight. Drinking a little vino (some bottle I spent at least $50 on, probably more) now but I'll have to admit I didn't really drink this week other than that. So, no best and worst this week. You are on your own.
And just a little housekeeping: I do moderate the comments on the blog but I have made it practice to rarely reject them. If I think you are just the same person putting up a bunch of anonymous comments especially to make it look like you have lots of support on an issue I can kinda figure that out....not always.......but I probably won't post them if I don't think it adds to the blog. I've clearly demonstrated I'm pretty cool about putting up comments where people don't agree with me.
About Me

- JOCOeveryman
- I'm the guy living in Southern Johnson County. I like to blog about the charming and maddening life in Johnson County, Kansas. With our affluence, midwestern conservatism, at times shallow thoughts we scramble through life living our charmed disney world like life. I like to poke fun at us and comment on life around here. Who am I? Hopefully, you'll never know.
View my complete profile

Archive: Friday's Best and Worst Wine of the Week
- Bridlewood Syrah......Louis Jadot Pinot Noir
- Red Rock Merlot......Sycamore Lane Chardonnay
- Terraces Pinot Noir...........Argyle Pinot Noir
- Crios Malbec Rose...........Castle Rock Pinot Noir
- Sbragia Cab.............Groth Sauvignon Blanc
- MacMurray Ranch Pinot Noir.......Trinchero Main St. Cab
- Darioush Cab.............Nora Albarino
- Pahlmeyer Cab.........St. Francis Rsv. Merlot
- Archetype Shiraz........The Show Cabernet
- Joel Gott Cab.......Somerset Ridge Ruby
- Louis Martini Napa Cab......Delta Pinot Noir
- Veuve Cliquot Rose......Folie a Deux's Menage
- Trefethen Double T.........Mt. Pleasant Norton
- Bridlewood Chard.......Ravenswood Zin

Interesting Blogs
- Midtown Miscreant
- Frontline of DV
- Curb Girl
- The Man Fast
- Jay's Kansas City
- Absolutely Fiesty
- Midwest Girl
- White Boy East of Troost
- Just Cara
- Kansas City with a Russian Accent
- Kansas Sity Sinic
- May's Machete
- The Flying Hamster
- Grumpy Old Fart
- Conservatism with a Heart
- RDMs Random Thoughts
- State of the Line
- Joco SOB
- Tony's Kansas City
- Kansas Watch
- Olbermann Watch
- Erin in the Real World
- WellHellMichelle

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